Pieter Senekal has been in the automotive industry since 1988 when his father asked him to help out as a car salesman at the family-owned Spes Bona Motors. Ambition bit the moment Pieter stepped out on the showroom floor inspiring a journey of hard work, brave business ventures, and incredible industry growth. He started and managed a wide range of successful companies across different industries from automotive sales and repair, property development, real estate, insurance, and even farming. His passion and expertise lie in finance, taxation, Namibian law, insurance brokering, commercial property, car sales, farming, and giving back to the community. Pieter also loves nothing more than getting to counsel and collaborate on deals and interesting business opportunities.
Spes Bona has been a household name in Namibia for over 40 years. Our property division is committed to giving you our best service when selling or renting your property.